Almond Crunch Functional Chocolate Bar12x33g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Kosher: Describes the foods prepared in accordance with the Jewish law.
Local company: Identifies products that are made by a Canadian or Quebec company.
Non-GMO: Describes products that are free of genetically modified or transgenic organisms.
Fair Trade: Describes the type of trade that improves working and living conditions of farmers in developing countries.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Refrigerated: Identifies products that must be kept at a temperature of 4°C or less.
Code UPC : 877977000032Code Satau : MDSQA011
Brownie Batter Functional Chocolate Bar12x33g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Kosher: Describes the foods prepared in accordance with the Jewish law.
Local company: Identifies products that are made by a Canadian or Quebec company.
Non-GMO: Describes products that are free of genetically modified or transgenic organisms.
Fair Trade: Describes the type of trade that improves working and living conditions of farmers in developing countries.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Refrigerated: Identifies products that must be kept at a temperature of 4°C or less.
Code UPC : 877977000001Code Satau : MDSQF011
Cookie Dough Functional Chocolate Bar12x33g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Kosher: Describes the foods prepared in accordance with the Jewish law.
Local company: Identifies products that are made by a Canadian or Quebec company.
Non-GMO: Describes products that are free of genetically modified or transgenic organisms.
Fair Trade: Describes the type of trade that improves working and living conditions of farmers in developing countries.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Refrigerated: Identifies products that must be kept at a temperature of 4°C or less.
Code UPC : 877977000186Code Satau : MDSQC011
Cookie Dough Functional Chocolate Bar5x4x33g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Kosher: Describes the foods prepared in accordance with the Jewish law.
Local company: Identifies products that are made by a Canadian or Quebec company.
Non-GMO: Describes products that are free of genetically modified or transgenic organisms.
Fair Trade: Describes the type of trade that improves working and living conditions of farmers in developing countries.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Refrigerated: Identifies products that must be kept at a temperature of 4°C or less.
Code UPC : 10877977000305Code Satau : MDSQC041
Crunchy Peanut Functional Chocolate Bar12x33g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Kosher: Describes the foods prepared in accordance with the Jewish law.
Local company: Identifies products that are made by a Canadian or Quebec company.
Non-GMO: Describes products that are free of genetically modified or transgenic organisms.
Fair Trade: Describes the type of trade that improves working and living conditions of farmers in developing countries.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Refrigerated: Identifies products that must be kept at a temperature of 4°C or less.
Code UPC : 877977000353Code Satau : MDSQB013
Crunchy Peanut Functional Chocolate Bar5x4x33g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Kosher: Describes the foods prepared in accordance with the Jewish law.
Local company: Identifies products that are made by a Canadian or Quebec company.
Non-GMO: Describes products that are free of genetically modified or transgenic organisms.
Fair Trade: Describes the type of trade that improves working and living conditions of farmers in developing countries.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Refrigerated: Identifies products that must be kept at a temperature of 4°C or less.
Code UPC : 877977000407Code Satau : MDSQB043
Peanut Butta Functional Chocolate Bar12x33g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Kosher: Describes the foods prepared in accordance with the Jewish law.
Local company: Identifies products that are made by a Canadian or Quebec company.
Non-GMO: Describes products that are free of genetically modified or transgenic organisms.
Fair Trade: Describes the type of trade that improves working and living conditions of farmers in developing countries.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Refrigerated: Identifies products that must be kept at a temperature of 4°C or less.
Code UPC : 877977000063Code Satau : MDSQB011
Peanut Butta Functional Chocolate Bar5x4x33g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Kosher: Describes the foods prepared in accordance with the Jewish law.
Local company: Identifies products that are made by a Canadian or Quebec company.
Non-GMO: Describes products that are free of genetically modified or transgenic organisms.
Fair Trade: Describes the type of trade that improves working and living conditions of farmers in developing countries.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Refrigerated: Identifies products that must be kept at a temperature of 4°C or less.
Code UPC : 10877977000282Code Satau : MDSQB041