Double Strength Gin Gins Hard Ginger Candies12x128g
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Code UPC : 734027901582Code Satau : FGING223
Org. Crystallized Ginger12x112g
Organic: Describes the type of agriculture that does not use synthetic fertilizers or chemical pesticides.
Kosher: Describes the foods prepared in accordance with the Jewish law.
Code UPC : 734027920514Code Satau : FGING203
Original Gin Gins Chewy Ginger Candies12x128g
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Code UPC : 734027901551Code Satau : FGING200
Original Gin Gins Chewy Ginger Candies24x45g
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Code UPC : 734027902053Code Satau : FGING201
Original Gin Gins Chewy Ginger Candies12x60g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Non-GMO: Describes products that are free of genetically modified or transgenic organisms.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Code UPC : 734027905320Code Satau : FGING261
Spicy Turmeric Gin Gins Chewy Ginger Candies12x60g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Non-GMO: Describes products that are free of genetically modified or transgenic organisms.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Code UPC : 734027905344Code Satau : FGING265
Super Strength Gin Gins Ginger Candies24x31g
Vegan: Describes the diet that excludes any animal product and by-product.
Gluten free: Describes products that are free of gluten or that contains fewer than 20 ppm gluten from cross-contamination (FQMC).
Code UPC : 734027902039Code Satau : FGING206